Wheel thrown sculpture painted with Maiolica glaze. An idol that represents the shock of change and reminds us that change is inevitable and can be for better or for worse. The title of this piece “Diantre” which is Puerto Rican slang for oh my god.
Wheel thrown sculpture painted with Maiolica glaze. An idol that represents the shock of change and reminds us that change is inevitable and can be for better or for worse. The title of this piece “Diantre” which is Puerto Rican slang for oh my god.
Wheel thrown sculpture painted with Maiolica glaze. An idol that represents the shock of change and reminds us that change is inevitable and can be for better or for worse. The title of this piece “Diantre” which is Puerto Rican slang for oh my god.
Jan Marcos Colón Faccio, “Diantre” 14x17, Terra Cotta, Maiolica, Blue Colorant, 2024